

res-o-lu-tion: the quality of being resolute: firmness, determination (from The Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

At this time of year many of us make "resolutions." Some serious some not so serious: lose 10 pounds, play with my kids more, spend more time with God, read more books, watch less tv, etc...

I have made so many resolutions in my lifetime but I have noticed that if it's not something that God is behind or with me in my "quality of being resolute" doesn't really measure up! This year I am really going to pray about my "resolutions." Sure I have my aspirations...be more intentional in discipling my daughter, Zoe and my soon to be son Matt, spend significant time cultivating a new friendship or two, get back into Yoga and walking once the baby comes, read more, etc... I just want to make sure that my "resolutions" are in line with the most important one and that is knowing and loving God. If that aspect suffers what does any of the rest really matter? It's easy to get caught up in whatever our "thing" is, so easy. I find myself there often. It is in those moments when I catch myself that I really have to take a deep breath and remember...just remember GOD, and more specifically Jesus.

I have to say my number one plea for 2007 is "Lord, I want to know YOU." The cool thing is that relationship with God is not attained, Biblically speaking, by determination and willpower but by grace...the unconditional, mind-blowing Grace of God. Bring it on Lord...bring it on and by this grace give me the "determination" and "firmness" of purpose to know you better!


Anonymous said...

I love you, keep writing!!!


Anonymous said...

Maggie, I think what you wrote is so good and true. It has been turning in my mind since I read it. Through this study I've been doing I've been learning about how God draws us to himself and that that our understanding and growth in him doesn't come from us but from him, his drawing us. I guess there has been connections draw between what God is teaching me and what you shared. Besides that...do you like to write, you have some skill girl!