

So here apparently is the latest tool God is using in my life...eczema. My son Matt's face is covered in eczema. It won't go away no matter what I do. I am out of control once again. There is no "fixing" this problem it seems, it just is. Wow...it just is. This struggle has brought to the surface some issues that I don't think I would have stopped to address had this not happened. For one there is absolutely NO room for pride in a believers life. Though my pride was hidden and subtle it was there all the same. A little sneaking feeling that somehow I could keep my little ones well and safe by my own effort. Not so. At least not the way my Heavenly Father sees fit for me.
Can I say I am grateful...so absolutely floored and grateful that GOD (who I know so little of) is so set on me being all His that He ruthlessly pursues me. I am learning that it is absolutely in and through the struggle that real life is birthed. The kind of life that means something. The kind that is eternal. This struggle, this suffering in my life is here for a reason. I believe that with all that I am. It is a part of His life work in me and I will not resist it (I may not look too hot as I go through this) but I will not give up. Jesus is too much of a prize and I have tasted just enough of Him to whet my appetite for more...SO Lord if this is your way then keep it coming and show me what it mean to be weak but strong, to be foolish but wise, to be poured out yet filled up...show me Lord and take me there...

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