
king saul

I am currently doing a Beth Moore Bible study called "A Heart Like His." It is a study on one of my favorite characters in the Bible, King David. I have always loved David. I love his writings and I love his heart for God. One character that is not talked or thought about as much is King Saul. I have been amazed at how much the study of his life has taught me. Today in the study, Saul died. The first king of Israel gone and wow what I gleaned from his sad life.

Saul had a serious problem with disobedience. On numerous occasions Saul did what God told him to do with one problem, he did it halfway. He didn't do exactly what God had commanded. Saul was a master at justifying his actions in the name of the Lord and with this I can relate. I believe the Holy Spirit moved in me as I read about his life and was showing me that halfway obedience is really just disobedience and that disobedience leads to sadness. I love the Bible. I love how events that happened thousands of years ago can somehow relate to me in the present. From the life of Saul I learned that it is better to just do what God says, that I don't have a better plan and I definately don't know better than the God of the universe.

As my study of Saul comes to an end I am aware of a few truths that I don't want to forget.
One is easily said as my mom taught me when I was young "the happy way is to obey." It's really true...our own way may look good to us from time to time but it ends in sadness!
Life and freedom occurs as we do what we were created for and that is to live according to the way GOD has set for us. How much heartache I could have avoided by just living according to this principal.

Secondly, I am aware through this study that the Grace of God is nothing to take lightly. If it weren't for Jesus Christ how many of us would have already lost the precious Spirit that enables us to live this life for HIM. I am reminded that there was a time when that Spirit could be removed and as happened to Saul, a troubling spirit could take over. I am comforted by this grace. We are given second and third chances that Saul was never given. If not for the grace of God there go I. I don't want to take this grace lightly. I should be like Saul but no, God did not ordain it so. He ordained that I would be under the blood of HIS Son Jesus. I am refreshed by the gospel...and reminded why it is such GOOD news.


Just like Zoe...

Zoe is 5 months old!

Five months of growing. It really amazes me how much our little "bug" has changed. Just glancing through pictures of the past 5 months brings tears of amazement, joy, and nostalgia. Zoe is living up to her name..."Life." She is non-stop when she is awake. I have even had to stop reading while I feed her because she gets so distracted by trying to grab the book from me. Zoe is interested in everything and if she is able to actually grab something she puts it directly into her mouth. She is a happy little girl, lighting up my mornings with an excited smile as I pick her up from her night of sleep. She has mastered the art of rolling over and spends most of her time on her tummy pushing herself up to explore her world.

I am in awe of Zoe. This little person that the God of the universe has fashioned so perfectly and entrusted to me. Zoe fascinates me. She makes me think. She makes me think a lot about how we all started out like her: excited about every new day, happy to see the ones she loves, interested in everything around her, and completely innocent to anything remotely evil. Life is so simple for Zoe. She relies unknowingly on me for food, rest, and play. She loves to be held and is so easily pleased with just being picked up by mom or dad. Oh to live life so simply.

What if we all were excited about every new day, happy to see the ones we love, interested in everything around us, and completely innocent of evil? Is that maybe what Christ speaks of when He says "unless you become as a little child you will by no means enter the kingdom"?

I want to be more like Zoe. I want to light up the face of God when He sees me. I want to smile at complete strangers. I want to be... Just be.