
Happy New Year

Wow...what a year! I can't believe I haven't posted since July, but then again I can believe it! This has been a great year. Hard. But so good. Jeremy and I continue to see God move in spite of ourselves which creates in us such a raw dependence on HIS grace and consistently leaves us in awe of his sovereignty and love.

Jeremy is on staff now at the Northland in Oviedo Site. He loves it...that is great for me as his wife, I LOVE that he loves what he is doing. He is also at Starbucks pursuing a position as manager so that he will have a full time, benefits paying job while having the flexibility in hours to do what he loves and that is anything that has to do with the church.

Zoe continues to amaze me. She is A LOT of fun and just like her name means...she is full of LIFE. She has to be one of the funniest little things...so serious at times but such a little goofball. She my little observer. She loves people but at first only from a distance. Her vocabulary continues to grow..."mama, dada, bird, flower (fah fah), fish, truck (uck), yuck (uck), no, yes, please (which somehow comes out "boo"), now, go (my favorite...she says this very dramatic), all done, down...and more

Sometimes she says something and I am just blown away...of course her parents are somewhat verbal:) so I wonder where she gets it! Zoe loves to sing and dance and LOVES to be outside! I think all children would stay outside all the time if we let them. Isn't that funny! We try to have outside time everyday...which I have to say I love too:)

As this year comes to a close I just want to mention some of the highlights in honor of God working and growing me and also just to reminicse...

-ZOE (I can't really say just one thing-just her little year of going from baby to a little girl)

-The kick-off of Northland in Oviedo from the mall to the highschool! So exciting!

-the continued growth and connection in that community

-Our first annual Women's Christmas Event (planning that with Stacy-so fun)

-My friendship with Ginger Friesen (going through our first year of mommyhood together, their move, our children, our husband's friendship, our reading together-such a GOD send!)

-continued growth in my relationships with family

-reading the Bible through in a year with Jeremy (one of my all time favorites)

-kayaking with allagators

-a second pregnancy (still in progress:)

-the knowledge that I will be mom to a little boy! what an honor! (can't wait to meet my little Matt!)

I am so excited to start another year. I am so glad to be on the road towards truth and love and wholeness which is only made possible through the Lord. I am really ready to continue my relationship with HIM and to really delve deeper into what it means to be HIS disciple even though I know that will require much sacrifice. I am so ready to continue to shed the old skin of self and allow the new man to break through. I am just glad to be where I am right now...just really grateful and glad that Jesus is my friend most of all.

Happy New Year!