
"no such thing as easy in adult world"

Have you ever just been sitting somewhere and realize you were living your dream...that has been happening to me a lot lately. It happens the most when I am having my quiet time; PBS Kids in the background with the occasional visit from Zoe pulling up on the couch where I sit. I think about all of the prayers that I prayed for this...to be a wife and a mother. Here I am, living my dream. Is it easy? Never. To quote a really bad movie that I won't name: "there is no easy in adult world." Is that the truth or what! We have all heard it said that anything that is really worth anything is HARD. Well that is true...definitely true. I used to buck this truth. I wanted everything to come easy and like a little toddler would sometimes secretly throw tantrums with God.
I am glad that I am living this lesson right now. I am glad that I have stopped bucking it and started embracing difficulty instead. I feel alive because of it. I am forcing myself out of the comfort zone I felt I could never venture out of. I am really working on doing some things that make me nervous and I am FINALLY saying no to that self that still tries to get the best of me. Man, am I grateful. I know that until I see Jesus I will battle this die hard effort inside of me to play it safe but I am glad to be on the way.
On a different note...Jer and I saw The Davinci Code on Saturday. It has really challenged me to start reading and studying more about what I believe. It was interesting because years ago when I was in college that movie might have really rattled me but now, not at all. Jesus has covered too much ground in my life for me to doubt that He is Divine. How else would a self-diseased person like me ever begin to gain the victory! All the same, I feel I need to learn more. I know that there is evidence out there I just know enough to be dangerous! Again, hard things are always worth it so I will start studying!
Life here is good...hard, but good. I am glad to be on the narrow path. Lord knows I feel more alive the narrower it becomes.



This weekend was really refreshing for our family. Jeremy, Zoe, and I were privileged to have a dear friend of mine from highschool and her family stay with us. Gracy, David and their 18 month old son are getting ready to go to Asia to live the Gospel among those who have yet to hear or see the good news of Jesus Christ. Jer and I were so excited, so expectant as we prepared for their visit, but I don't think we were quite expecting the breath of fresh air we would receive through them.
Gracy and I were friends in high school. One of those friendships that only God could put together. We didn't go to school together, we didn't live in the same neighborhood, we didn't even really have the same circle of friends; we were just two young girls desperately seeking the same God. That was our common ground. All these years later, so many circumstances later, that's who we still are maybe just a little more aware, no, a lot more aware of our brokenness, His grace, and the connection of the two.
This weekend was filled with conversations, conversations alive with the spirit of God. It was also filled with so much love you could just almost touch it. Gracy and David, Me and Jeremy, Gracy and me, David and Jeremy...just so much genuine, authentic fellowship going on. So much vulnerablilty, not forced, but real sharing received with true interest and care.
Gracy and David are already spreading the gospel right here in their current circumstances. They are spreading it by the way they love. They were so interested in us. So easy to be with. So pleasant and giving. They were affirming and kind, to one another and to us. We laughed, we cried, we listened, we awakened old visions and shared our dreams. We were in the light and we were having fellowship as it speaks of in I John. It was so cool as we sat around our table and ate and truly sought to see eachother's hearts truly seeking to understand the experience of the other. We were equally interested in eachother and building the other up.
WE WERE ENCOURAGED! Encouraged to be better to each other, encouraged to not give up on God given visions and dreams, encouraged to live more holy, encouraged to minister right where we are. I am so grateful for these kind of friends. I was so grateful to see our husbands (the ones so obviously picked for us by God) connecting and encouraging eachother as husbands and men. It was cool to watch our children together. And even as I write this I am thanking God for friends He continues to give me in spite of me! Thank you Lord for giving us friends, may we be authentic friends to others, friends that bring acceptance, love, and joy into others lives.
"Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing."
~ I Thessalonians 5:11